Not to long ago I picked up this standard black lunch box at an Estate sale for $5.00. I loved it for it's worn and well used look and thought it would make a great purse. The inside was pretty worn too and thought just a coat of paint would help it. I painted the inside this lovely shade of yellow given to me by my neighbor. Perfect I thought just the right color to brighten it up. But I was sadly mistaken and it turned out not so lovely. It looked like a banana had exploded in my lunch box. So it sat in my craft fail closet for about 2 months, until I decided it need yet another face lift but this time with fabric.. And a little Mod Podge and it started to look a little better. Carefully I cut and glued the pieces so this time it would not be a Craft Fail. Concealing the edges with satin rope and admiring how it was starting to look pretty. Lastly it was done and ready to it's new use. It has been come my traveling jewelry studio in a b...