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Showing posts from January, 2012

Lunch Box Face Lift

Not to long ago I picked up this standard black lunch box at an Estate sale for $5.00. I loved it for it's worn and well used look and thought it would make a great purse.  The inside was pretty worn too and thought just a coat of paint would help it. I painted the inside this lovely shade of yellow given to me by my neighbor. Perfect I thought just the right color to brighten it up. But I was sadly mistaken and it turned out not so lovely. It looked like a banana had exploded in my lunch box. So it sat in my craft fail closet for about 2 months, until I decided it need yet another face lift but this time with fabric.. And a little Mod Podge and it started to look a little better. Carefully I cut and glued the pieces so this time it would not be a Craft Fail. Concealing the edges with satin rope and admiring how it was starting to look pretty. Lastly it was done and ready to it's new use. It has been come my traveling jewelry studio in a b...

Estate Sale Chain Necklace & Bracelet

I have been accumulating costume jewelry from Estate Sales over the last few months without a precise plan on what I would be using all of it for. I love the look of multi strand necklaces and bracelets and seem to see them everywhere. From Ann Taylor Loft So I decided to create a few with my Estate Sale Jewelry. I started with a few pieces of chain and leather strips. Then added a length of strung beads and a few jump rings and I had my Bracelet. So simple,easy and stylish. I then made a necklace from cast of pieces of chain, an old pendant and leather strips. Once again easy to create and I just combined 5 or 6 strands of different chain and beads. Lovely! Now I must go since I feel the need to make a few more!  Enjoy! Joining these Parties:

I Think I Can Make That for Less Jewelry

I look at every piece of jewelry and think I can make it some how, but once I start dissecting the process and the parts it doesn't turn out that way. It usually is far more involved than my skills will allow or the materials are cost more if I had bought the finished product. Until this weekend when I actually created something less than if I had bought it. I found this on  and you can buy them in bulk and they are a leather twist with shell accent. I decided to use braided leather pieces that I split my self using a very dangerous but effective stripper. I had a large piece of this leather embossed with Alligator print (cost= $0) and stripped it into numerous pieces. Then I clipped it to my lap desk and braided a piece about 18" long. Next I knotted,glued and crimped the ends so that I could add my trinkets ($1.00) and buttons ($.50). Finished off with a Lobster clasp ($.50) and it was done. Not and exact replica, but close. It was so easy to make that I ...

Easy Upcycle Infinity Scarf

People know that I love to upcycle and often give me items that they think I can use. I love that people think of me and have confidence in me that will find a creative reuse for their item. In the past weeks I had been given some lovely scarfs destine for the Salvation Army. I started with this scarf since it is simple and it is one of my favorite colors. I picked a Blue Tick fabric to use with it, since it was simple as well. First I folded the scarf in half and then in half again and pinned. I sewed it up both sides and then sewed each end to a strip of the Blue Tick that was 50" long and 7" wide that I had zig zagged stitched the edge to keep it from fraying. Lastly I wrapped it around my neck three times and model it! It is light and warm. A bit of color for the winter. And oh So Easy! Enjoy!

Tangerine Tango - Color of the Year 2012

Pantone announced last month that the Color of the Year 2012 would be Tangerine Tango. Per Pantone, Tangerine Tango is a "spirited reddish orange that will continue to provide the energy boost we need to recharge and move forward. I like the color for it's boldness and closeness to red and orange. Used as an accent it would work well with olive greens... (Better Homes & Gardens) or Golden Browns.. (Coastal Living) It even works well with yellow and bright green as seen in this calendar from Wired. I like the color and the variations of it that I have seen over the past month. Add a litt yellow and you have a more Citrus Tangerine.. And it becomes more Sunny and Bright.. Just what we all need in the Winter and for the start of a new year. I think I like you Tangerine Tango! Enjoy!

Three NeckTie Upcycles for the New Year

I have been buying and collecting neckties for about 5 months now and finally have created some  realty interesting upcycles. I can't wait to wear,share and sell them since I think they are all really lovely and unique. First is a bracelet. Made from an awesome wide tie, button and vintage clip on earring. I love that it is big and bold but not too flashy. Second is a Necklace. Made from the skinniest of 60's tie of blues and grays. Finished off with a vintage skeleton key found at an amazing Estate sale over the summer.  Third are two headbands. One in a Classic Blue and Yellow stripe, which can be worn as is or with a fun brooch. And the other headband which is a wrap around style. With Vintage buttons and filigree earring base. Looks dressy and fun even when you have short hair like me. All were super easy to create and will post a tutorial on the basic headband later this week! Most of the above will probably end up in my Etsy shop! Enjoy! PS: Linking up to these great pa...