I often wonder where other people get there ideas from. Is it a connection with an object that leads from one idea to another? or is it a specific place like a vortex in which ideas flow freely and the mind can explore all corners of the universe? Recently I have noticed that I get great ideas in one of two places, not very exciting places but good for mind wandering. First is the shower.. I am not sure why, it might the water hitting the back of my head and stimulating some dark area of my feeble brain or it is just the calming sound of the water. No matter what it is it has been a very good place for me to think and be alone with my brain. Only drawback is I can't write anything down, which means I need to remember it when I get out. Not so easy since once I am out, the ideas disappear like the water down the drain. I guess I need a notebook right there when I get out. Second place is in bed and the time between sleep and awake. So many times I have had the idea of the ce...