I grew up in a family of five girls. Heaven bless my father and how dealt with all those females. He was a great guy who loved sports and loved his family too. I can honestly say that my love of sports comes from him since I would ask him questions about sports to spark conversations. I also think my love of creating comes partly from him as well. You see my mother loved to go to estate and yard sales and bring home antique furniture to refinish. Well the refinishing part was my father's forte. He would sand and sand and fix and rebuild and stain and make the furniture beautiful again. He also taught himself to cane chairs, something I can say is not that easy. They are works of art and a puzzle to create. The weaving requires a dutiful master and a dedication to complete. I always thought that my creativeness came from my mother, but i am realizing that it also came from my father's spirt and dedication to complete a project. I think that drive to create and complete is his legacy to me.
What an wonderful photo and sentiment!